The Lampstand: God's Vision For The Family

Overcoming Challenges To Prayer featuring Amy and Craig Dyke

Family Rosary Season 1 Episode 17

Do you struggle finding time to pray as a family?  Join Alex Dee as he discusses overcoming the challenges of incorporating daily family prayer into family life with Amy and Craig Dyke. They recently celebrated 25 years of marriage together and after being inspired by St. John Paul II have devoted themselves to serve in diocesan, parish, and Catholic school ministries since 2002. But the most rewarding ministry they are engaged in, is that of their own marriage and family, joyfully seeking to enrich their family’s faith life by “guarding, revealing and communicating love” in their little domestic church. If you're looking for practical tips and wisdom on how to implement prayer and the Rosary practically and simply into family life – check out this inspiring episode!


At Family Rosary we equip families with the Light of Christ and inspire the practice and devotion of the Rosary. We continue on the work of our founder, Venerable Patrick Peyton, C.S.C. and champion the message, "the family that prays together stays together".

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