The Lampstand: God's Vision For The Family

Unpacking the Feminine Genius II featuring Dr. Deborah Savage

Family Rosary Season 1 Episode 21

How do we understand the feminine without also understanding the masculine? Here's a hint...we really can't. Check out this a conversation Alex Dee shares with Dr. Deborah Savage. They share an important conversation on what the feminine genius is and how it extends from scripture. She also explains that in order to understand femininity we must also understand masculinity.  Dr. Savage is a professor of Theology at Franciscan University at Steubenville. She consistently speaks, writes, and studies issues that pertain to masculinity and femininity and is a scholar of St. John Paul II’s surrounding work. Her recent work has focused on the development of a robust theology on the nature of man and woman, both their identities and complementarity. You can see her appear on Faith and Reason, Catholic Answers, First Things, as well as many other leading outlets and publications.

Learn more and get in touch with Dr. Deborah Savage here

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